org-logoIt's time for RBC to stop funding climate chaos

It's time for RBC to stop funding climate chaos

Historic wildfires in Australia and the American West Coast, a record-breaking Atlantic hurricane season and unprecedented floods across China and Vietnam. The climate crisis is here.

And banks like RBC are pushing us ever closer towards catastrophe by financing fossil fuel projects like the tarsands, fracking and massively destructive pipelines. 

But we know we can stop RBC. Because of your pressure, TD just announced a historic climate action plan, going net-zero, including fossil fuel funding, by 2050, in line with the Paris Agreement. Now we’re going to make RBC do the same.

This week, SumOfUs members will be filing a historic shareholder proposal at RBC, calling for the bank to make real change to pulling the plug on Big Oil and stop funding the climate crisis. If we can file the proposals with a massive petition, the company is sure to pay closer attention, especially with TD putting the pressure on the Canadian banking industry to step up. 

Banks all over the world, including TD, are starting to take action to reduce their impact on the climate by defunding coal, creating GHG reduction targets and committing to transitioning financing to greener, cleaner options. 

With TD’s recent announcement, RBC risks lagging embarrassingly behind. 

That’s why we need to turn up the heat now and ensure that RBC pulls the plug on the fossil fuel industry.

SumOfUs has been pushing Canadian banks to step up on the climate for years. This year we filed a shareholder proposal at TD asking the company to stop financing fossil fuel companies and it gained a historic vote that led to TD announcing a net-zero climate action plan

We know people power can stand against even the biggest corporations and in the midst of a climate crisis we can force the Canadian banking industry to step up and stop propping up the polluting fossil fuel industry. 


Stop funding fossil fuel expansion projects and phase out existing investment in the fossil fuel industry in line with a 1.5C global warming.
28,445 signatures
21,555 signatures until 50K
United States of America
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